Sunday, September 16, 2018

How to Make Your Book Go Viral

I don't have an advertising budget. I would love to be able to buy online advertising for my book, In Fashion's Web, but unfortunately, it's not in the cards right now. So the best thing I can do is try to make my book go viral. The way to do that, I think, is to get as many reviews as possible.

I ask people all the time to please write a review. They always say they will but they never do. So I've been looking for another way to keep that top of mind for everyone who reads my book.

I have 10 5-star reviews, but to get noticed by Amazon I need over 100 and they need to keep growing. I'm trying to get Amazon to say "people who bought a certain book also bought my book," or "if you like this one, then you may also like this one". If I can get Amazon to start featuring me then people will start to notice and buy my book. Essentially, I'm trying to build organic growth.

So I have developed a sticker that is now going on the back inside cover of every book:

I recommend something like this for everyone. If you can increase your exposure you may be able to get your book to go viral. And if you can achieve that, you can open doors to more sales, to new book deals, to speaking engagements, and more. Good luck!

If you like a good book that keeps you on your toes and surprises you at every turn, please check out my novel, In Fashion's Web on Amazon. It's got 10 5-star reviews!

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