Writing well is only half what you write about. The other half is how well you write it.
Could you describe a tree so well that you could make people feel the tree?
"The golden yellow leaf reminded him of her long blonde hair. Just like the leaves blowing in the wind, he could see her golden hair twirling around him as they danced. The branches of the lean, feminine-like willow tree seemed to reach out to him as if to say hold me, hug me. He ran to the tree and put his arms around it. He could almost feel her hugging back."
Go ahead. Grab a piece of paper, or open up the Notes app on your phone or computer. Just think about a tree, and try to describe it. Associate it to a childhood memory or something emotional enough that it might make your eyes tear. See how far you can go with it. If you're a natural born comedian, then by all means make it funny! Make yourself laugh so hard you almost pee your pants.
The point of this exercise is merely to get your senses moving. Next time you feel you've hit writer's block or are stuck on a scene, stop what you're doing, pull out a piece of paper and try to write something incredibly emotional about an inanimate object, like a kitchen pot, a hairbrush ... or even a tree.
Hopefully, you'll find that the exercise will help restore your senses and once you get back to your main writing project, your juices will flow again more easily.
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