Friday, December 28, 2018

The Hero Behind the Book “Hero Dogs”

Wilma Melville stood and stared at the wreckage of the Oklahoma City bombing and could not believe her eyes. The devastation was horrific. She let go of Murphy’s leash and instructed him to begin sniffing through the rubble in search of signs of life. The eventual conclusion would be that there were none.

She realized with significant regret that she had been summoned too late. If only we had been brought in sooner, she thought. She also acknowledged something else that was painfully obvious: There are far too few search-and-rescue dogs available today for situations like this. She realized that, going forward, there would be more and more need for search-and-rescue dogs.  

Wilma left that scene with an ache in her heart and a promise in her mind: “I will find a way to train 168 dogs to be search and rescue dogs,” she said, “one for every man, woman and child who died in the Oklahoma City bombing.”

One of the many lessons from the book Hero Dogs is never underestimate a woman, but especially, never underestimate this woman. Wilma Melville, a retired physical education teacher, went home to southern California and started a nonprofit: Search Dog Foundation.

The fete she proceeded to accomplish from that day forward would forever change the way dogs would be trained in search and rescue and how much they would achieve. Eventually, Wilma’s dogs would be sent by Homeland Security to Ground Zero, Hurricane Katrina sites, areas in Haiti struck by the earthquake, and dozens more places large and small where rescuers would use dogs to try to find people buried alive before it was too late.

Paul Lobo, who co-wrote the book with Wilma, captures her experiences skillfully, as if they were happening in real time. You will visualize all too clearly the colors, the smells and scenes that Wilma’s dogs and handlers experienced.  

If you like dogs, read this book. Even if you are a person like me who has no interest in dogs whatsoever, you still will be mesmerized by this book. When I closed the back cover of this book, I was so drawn in by the value of Wilma’s work that I couldn’t even get up from desk until I made a donation to That’s how much this book – and the value of Wilma’s work – moved me. And it will move you too.

Find the book here at Amazon.

If you like a good book that keeps you on your toes and surprises you at every turn, please check out my novel, In Fashion's Web on Amazon. It's got 10 5-star reviews!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

A Review: The President Is Missing, by Bill Clinton and James Patterson

 The President Is Missing

This book had me on the edge of my seat from page one until the very end. Each chapter makes you want to find answers to questions in your mind such as who was responsible for various things and eventually, who the bad person is, because there always is one in a mystery or drama.

Whether you are a reader, a writer or both, I highly recommend this book as both one that held my interest as well as one that taught me about holding back the details to make people keep turning the pages. It has over 500 pages but it's a fast read, which is what you want if people are reading your book.

It's the story of a U.S. president who deals with a tremendous situation in which the lives of all Americans hang in the balance. I don't want to say anything more without spoiling the book.

Get it. Read it. Enjoy it!

If you like a good book that keeps you on your toes and surprises you at every turn, please check out my novel, In Fashion's Web on Amazon. It's got 10 5-star reviews!

How to Make Your Book Go Viral

I don't have an advertising budget. I would love to be able to buy online advertising for my book, In Fashion's Web, but unfortunately, it's not in the cards right now. So the best thing I can do is try to make my book go viral. The way to do that, I think, is to get as many reviews as possible.

I ask people all the time to please write a review. They always say they will but they never do. So I've been looking for another way to keep that top of mind for everyone who reads my book.

I have 10 5-star reviews, but to get noticed by Amazon I need over 100 and they need to keep growing. I'm trying to get Amazon to say "people who bought a certain book also bought my book," or "if you like this one, then you may also like this one". If I can get Amazon to start featuring me then people will start to notice and buy my book. Essentially, I'm trying to build organic growth.

So I have developed a sticker that is now going on the back inside cover of every book:

I recommend something like this for everyone. If you can increase your exposure you may be able to get your book to go viral. And if you can achieve that, you can open doors to more sales, to new book deals, to speaking engagements, and more. Good luck!

If you like a good book that keeps you on your toes and surprises you at every turn, please check out my novel, In Fashion's Web on Amazon. It's got 10 5-star reviews!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Train the Next Generation to Write by Inspiring Them to Read

If  you want to cultivate the next generation of writers, and ensure that writing remains a viable art and career path for the next several generations, then you've got to promote reading. Without reading, there is no writing.

I had the honor and the pleasure recently of being a guest reader at the daycare center in my church. I really enjoyed doing it and look forward to doing it again.

I read The Giving Tree, which came to me highly recommended but turned out to be a little too long for their attention span. Also, the pages were black and white, and the kids really seek out color. So while the story was good, their attention wandered, even though I used my hands and demonstrated the book as I went along.

The second book I read was a big hit. It was called 10 Little Ladybugs. It was a countdown book for which they enjoyed participating. The colors were rich, and there were pop-up ladybugs peeking through from the second page through holes in the front cover, so after the reading I passed around the book and they all got to touch the ladybugs, which they really enjoyed.

All daycare centers welcome guest readers for their 3- and 4 year-olds, so if you have the time and the interest, consider volunteering. Your local library also does book reading in the children's department.

I recommend that all writers take some time to read to the next generation. You could be the fuel that lights the fire inside the next great writer. 

Happy reading and writing!

If you like a good book that keeps you on your toes and surprises you at every turn, please check out my novel, In Fashion's Web on Amazon. It's got 10 5-star reviews!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Going from ‘Inspired’ to ‘Hired’

One of the hardest things for me in the early days of my writing and editing career was being able to turn creativity on and off within the 9-5 workday. Before getting a job that required me to write, I had only written when I felt inspired. As a teenager, I lived within walking distance of a beautiful beach and I used to go down there during the summer with a notebook and pen and sit on the rocks. It was easy to get inspired looking at Long Island Sound, feeling the sun on my back and listening to the sound of the waves crashing and the seagulls cawing.

But when I got a job that required me to start writing at any time of the day, in between meetings and answering the phone, it was hard at first. But after a few failed attempts, I realized that as long as I have something to write about I can write anytime, anywhere. After that, it became easy to turn it on at 9 a.m. and turn it off at 5 p.m. All I needed was enough material. And with several categories of industry I was responsible for, I certainly had enough material.

Today, I have no problem being inspired to write. It doesn’t matter where I am, what time it is, who I’m with or who’s missing. There’s always something I want to say and I find myself coming up with blog ideas all the time and writing them down in emails or on pieces of paper. 

If you struggle with being inspired, look around you. What interests you or upsets you? What great childhood memories do you have that something reminded you of as you were driving or walking by it? Did you experience a good Samaritan recently and you want to share the story? Or is it simply the daily news you are interested in? Perhaps an opinion on politics or a profile of a family in your local town who lost their home to a fire?

The truth is, inspiration is all around you if you just look for it. I recommend you keep a pen and paper with you at all times. Or use the 'note' or 'recorder' function of your cell phone to capture ideas throughout the day. Then in the evening, sit down and go through your ideas. Find one that you think you can cultivate and start writing. 

You may decide just to keep these works for yourself. But maybe you've written something that you think is publish-worthy. Does it fit your local newspaper's requirements? Or perhaps you want to start your own blog. They're really easy. (I started this blog just by going to You might even some day pull together into a short book. 

But even if you don't publish, that shouldn't stop you from writing. If you are a writer by nature, then always write. It doesn't matter where or when, just keep the wheels turning and the juices flowing. You'll be surprised how easy it will become to turn it on and off whenever you need to. 

Happy writing!

Please check out my novel, In Fashion's Web on Amazon.