Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Train the Next Generation to Write by Inspiring Them to Read

If  you want to cultivate the next generation of writers, and ensure that writing remains a viable art and career path for the next several generations, then you've got to promote reading. Without reading, there is no writing.

I had the honor and the pleasure recently of being a guest reader at the daycare center in my church. I really enjoyed doing it and look forward to doing it again.

I read The Giving Tree, which came to me highly recommended but turned out to be a little too long for their attention span. Also, the pages were black and white, and the kids really seek out color. So while the story was good, their attention wandered, even though I used my hands and demonstrated the book as I went along.

The second book I read was a big hit. It was called 10 Little Ladybugs. It was a countdown book for which they enjoyed participating. The colors were rich, and there were pop-up ladybugs peeking through from the second page through holes in the front cover, so after the reading I passed around the book and they all got to touch the ladybugs, which they really enjoyed.

All daycare centers welcome guest readers for their 3- and 4 year-olds, so if you have the time and the interest, consider volunteering. Your local library also does book reading in the children's department.

I recommend that all writers take some time to read to the next generation. You could be the fuel that lights the fire inside the next great writer. 

Happy reading and writing!

If you like a good book that keeps you on your toes and surprises you at every turn, please check out my novel, In Fashion's Web on Amazon. It's got 10 5-star reviews!

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